Sunday, July 20, 2014


After all that driving last week we appreciated staying home, taking time to smell the roses and count our blessings (and frogs!). The weather is still very mixed: dark storms mingling with sunny days ---  like delinquents crashing a garden party. This garden party included picking pin cherries, identifying butterflies (e.g. an orange fritillary) and being dazzled by lilies. This one is a "day lily", so-called because it blooms and withers away on the same day.

Other lilies last longer and show a rainbow of colours and soft petals, like the velvety velour seats on an '89 Dakota. But overnight skunks or raccoons have been digging up new plantings! They don't eat the plant, just toss it aside: I think they're digging for the bone meal that The Gardener puts in for root food. Of course, humans do the same --- notice rhubarb being dug up by two sisters.

We exchange books and puzzles at the local Legion Hall for the rainy days. But being outside is more common for our staycation. All the trees and plants are at their best this year because of the regular rains and sunshine. So many colors, even 50 shades of green including these frogs in a staring match. (All this beauty in contrast to the horror and inhumanity of the downed Malaysian flight. Like this floater reflected in the pond, we reflect on how fortunate we are and our hearts ache for the passengers and their loved ones.)

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