Sunday, June 2, 2013


Note: Longtime follower PM says this blog's titles and double entendres have become too risque and raunchy! But all posts are read and OK'd by the proof reader PD. As they used to say on South Park, Blame Canada!

This past week started with a heat wave, the remnants of the tornado weather in Oklahoma. It was time to put up the sunshade gazebo out front. (The picture of the installer relaxing is totally staged, and seldom happens.) Then the rains came, more than enough to soak the veggie beds and make local farmers nervous. It was also motivation to get a tonneau cover for North Dakota, a light (10 pound) and easy (the guy snapped it on before I even touched it!) tri-fold. 

Pat further established her gardening cred by being the presenter at a nearby event. She has to update her knowledge and experience constantly ----- a great excuse to scour the province for the latest shady characters. Meantime back at the plot, the hybrid tulips are finishing up and the strawberries are reaching for the sky.

Our ATV-ing neighbour and Atley (yellow boots) did some hill-climbing to visit and exchange gossip. He's smiling because the photographer was caught in reindeer-themed boxer shorts. Don't ask, don't tell. Now that we're into June, it seemed like a fast week. The only thing that went at a snail's pace were ---- the snails.

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