Sunday, June 30, 2013


Tomorrow we go back to the future by returning to our former apartment in Toronto. Lots more on that in the next blog, but this week has been as busy as a bee, leading up to our Canada Day move-back July 1. 

On the hot days, even the frogs wanted to cool off. While I was building some deck at the pond, Pat and Garden Assistant Emily cleared out weeds and grass from another section of planting beds. (Notice the before, during, and after --- is it really so much fun??) A very brave UPS driver managed to come up in the hill in his propane-underpowered delivery truck! He'd be surprised to know he had brought a bra for the Dakota---- or is that two bras??

An unusual squirrel has been visiting lately ---- is that a ringtail or a raccoon tail or a foxtail?  Maybe he's just getting into the spirit of the holiday with colours. Like the white bursts among the flowers, or the first Canada Lily of the year. Happy Canada Day everybody, I hope you will be as moved as us.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


No pictures of humans this week but a lot of cases of nature taking its course. We attended a Celebration of Life for our late friend Barry that turned out to be sad, funny, and just wonderfully heartfelt. He even wrote his own life story to be read, and chose the music played! The rest of us had normal highs and lows of life. But the world keeps spinning.

The weather continues to confound. We had a brutal hailstorm, then record levels of pollen (the
yellow dust pictured on the van), then a glorious far-north sunrise on the first day of summer. The gardens have never been lusher or more productive due to the alternating rain and sun. Ironwood trees are in full white blossoms, a late bloomer that has never been so prominent. The peonies are rioting in colour. But what's all that natural foam on the pond?? It doesn't affect the fish or plants but is driving the Pond Lady crazy. In the meantime, here's an odd triple at the feeder ---- jay, turkey, and raccoon --- just getting along.

Speaking of getting along, the blog stats have shown viewers in both Israel and Palestine --- a natural curiosity on both sides? Here in the pond the frogs are doing what comes naturally. Try connecting the (black) dots!

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Pouring rain this morning kept us inside, reminiscing about our dads on this Father's Day. What was their favourite breakfast? What did they do on a rainy Sunday?? 

So much rain-and-then-sun lately that the gardens and flowers have never been better. Lots of colour, lots of strawberries, lots of green. But the whimsical commemoration is that 10 years ago we first saw this place and were smitten without ever seeing inside the house or barn! A diamond-in-the-very-rough that was waiting to be polished. We finally got the keys in August of 2003, but here's two then-and-now views from the exterior, June 2003 and June 2013.

I have to mention my surprise at seeing a raccoon and a fox together, munching below the bird feeder. Shouldn't the raccoon be afraid? Shouldn't the fox be thinking a meaty dinner? Although wary of each other, they seemed to be pretty casual about sharing the turf.

Back to our dads. Each of us share the sense of humour of our fathers. And for me the healthy appetite. For Pat, the kindness to all. Ultimately though our dads were both hard working men and we figure we honour them by continuing our daily labours. And for you Doubters out there, here's proof that even the pretty truck has to do its share!

Sunday, June 9, 2013


What would have been a fully festive week was brought down with the news of the passing by cancer of our friend Barry Dantzic. I worked with Barry at A.C. Nielsen long ago, but then reconnected when it turned out I was working with his wife at Seneca years later! He was a hearty guy, car enthusiast, and loved to make fun of pretense. Another taken way before his time. Our hearts go out to Kim.

There were other highs (up the ladder) and lows (under the deck). The frogs have again created a maternity ward, with globs of eggs in the water plants and mom standing guard. But the major event was a special birthday, with Pat blowing out the candle and a sparkler at two different parties (only one with a dress code). I decided to have a lighthouse gift-wrapped for her ---- no peeking! And we also drove down to Stratford for Blithe Spirit, a much-needed comedy to lighten our mood. The actors, set, and venue were all excellent.

And the bubbly?? To areate the pond, a ShopVac in reverse!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Note: Longtime follower PM says this blog's titles and double entendres have become too risque and raunchy! But all posts are read and OK'd by the proof reader PD. As they used to say on South Park, Blame Canada!

This past week started with a heat wave, the remnants of the tornado weather in Oklahoma. It was time to put up the sunshade gazebo out front. (The picture of the installer relaxing is totally staged, and seldom happens.) Then the rains came, more than enough to soak the veggie beds and make local farmers nervous. It was also motivation to get a tonneau cover for North Dakota, a light (10 pound) and easy (the guy snapped it on before I even touched it!) tri-fold. 

Pat further established her gardening cred by being the presenter at a nearby event. She has to update her knowledge and experience constantly ----- a great excuse to scour the province for the latest shady characters. Meantime back at the plot, the hybrid tulips are finishing up and the strawberries are reaching for the sky.

Our ATV-ing neighbour and Atley (yellow boots) did some hill-climbing to visit and exchange gossip. He's smiling because the photographer was caught in reindeer-themed boxer shorts. Don't ask, don't tell. Now that we're into June, it seemed like a fast week. The only thing that went at a snail's pace were ---- the snails.