Friday, June 29, 2012


Had another dash-to-Toronto-for multiple-events yesterday. (Our van passed a once-in-a-car's-lifetime number!) For a couple of weeks we have been preparing for visitors on this long weekend, getting rid of some clutter and showcasing some Olympic clutter.  But yesterday was for memories --- some happy, some bittersweet. First we roamed our old (and future?) Beaches neighbourhood. It sure looks good on a sunny summer day, with quiet shores and colour everywhere. Then Pat visited a dear old teacher/colleague/friend of 40 years at her likely last bedside.

Then up to attend the tribute and farewell to another colleague/friend who was celebrated for her 32 years of total dedication to the college and its students. Hundreds of people turned out to praise Cindy with words such as "heart and soul of the college", "inspiration", and "beloved". A real feel-good tear-jerker of the best possible kind.

Dashing back north home through what we don't miss about the city --- the constant traffic rush. Shopping, cooking, and scheming for the family guests arriving tonight ---- 4 Americans for Canada Day! And 2 of them are first-timers here. So special even the lawn got a haircut...

Friday, June 22, 2012


Found a pile of feathers this morning, remnants of a bluejay dinner. But we had bigger worries in the air. Rolling up the rim of our septic tank revealed a shitload of trouble, literally! City dwellers out there just flush their troubles away, but we have to call Vaughan who grinds the gears getting his 3,000 gallon honey-wagon up our hill. He's been there, done that so hoses come out and before you can say OMG he's collected the fertilizer for his brother's sod farm! (Is his slogan really: We Suck It Up So You Don't Have To?!)

Dragon flies are now cleared to land. Dark tracks show where the little brown jug eased down the hill. And the air is once again daisy fresh!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Today's the last day of spring but The Gardener is still planting. Who knew day lilies now have cutesy names as nail polish does ----- "Two To Tango" could be either! But even in the sweltering 37C heat, the blossoms are still trying to outdo each other.

Blog followers with good memories might recall 2 unique blog posts. The first was from Aug. 19, 2011 when I offered one of Pat's scrumptious fish dinners to the first car up the hill after the new concrete was poured. Winners were C and W from Southampton. The second fun blog post was the spring roll cooking lesson on a slow boat in Ha Long Bay (December 8, 2011). It turns out that the dinner was claimed AND the first spring rolls were attempted today --- one dish a sure thing, the other a major experiment!

The vegetarian filling was prepared a little in advance. The rice paper wrappers look like plastic place mats in the package, but the moment they're dipped in hot water they become limp and tasty. Rolling the morsel takes the finesse of a Cuban cigar maker folding a diaper. Then a hot oil bath with a quick flip to crisp the critter. Try it with 5-Spice Asian Sauce ---- Memories of Vietnam Without Leaving Home! (Main hint: soak the rice paper only one at a time, otherwise they'll stick together like the sauce stain and my shirt.)

 C and W enjoyed their prize and the bonus spring rolls. Then summer arrived at 7:09 pm. Anybody for Vietnamese Summer Rolls??

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Funny how events of this Father's Day week lend themselves to cliches about dads. You could say that fathers walk a tightrope (and get a  bad reception on TV). You could say fathers should save for a rainy day. Or they shouldn't be caught up in domestic traps. Or that they can feel all alone on a drifting raft of life. And on and on --- any cliches for your father today??

Other news around here --- we had to use a sheet of styrofoam to deflect some harsh sun from the pond, and a hula hoop to keep the floating plants together. Pat can't help but add more plants to the pond, and then put in 70 more plants on her experimental green roof. We put out our annual Free Pile and watch cars stop to scoop up old film cameras and broken wicker headboards etc. --- do you think anyone will take the grungy laundry tubs by dark tonight?!

Oh, I thought of some more. How about "dads have to keep shovelling when they're caught on a steaming pile"? Or dads might give you this bit of advice ---- it's a jungle out there!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


As sad as the occasion was, the funeral service for my brother-in-law allowed a big turnout of people from his life to pay respects and to reconnect. Most affected of course were his 4 kids, now responsible and closely-knit adults. They managed a smile for all the cameras at the tasty Big Al's Firehouse lunch afterwards.

But for most after the tears and memories of the service, it is back to our lives as usual. A birthday celebrated a bit late. Laying sod in dead zones of the yard. Mulching trails to keep down the poison ivy. Building up the edges of the boggy bog to keep its plants happy. The local fundraiser for a kids' camp ---- Wings and Wheels --- brought in dozens of aircraft and over 400 classic cars on a beautiful sunny day.

The most vivid reminder that life has its cycles and seasons is in the colours of spring in the garden. As many colours as in Jack Murphy's many Chevvies. All topped off with the first water lily, like a cherry on the sundae of life. Enjoy your feast....