Tuesday, December 30, 2008

8 States Down, One Country to Go

No sense of winter or December or New Year's...The highways are clear and dry, the sun is 40's to 60's warm, and we rolled through Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and now are spending the night in Beaumont Texas, about 50 miles in from the border. Traffic got very heavy in Texas and we stopped at dark, like last night --- 12 hours on the road, about 650 miles. Tomorrow is through Houston then down to the border at Matamoros --- 400 miles. We'll probably spend New Year's Eve on the U.S. side to watch the midnight stuff on TV. If I can stay up!

The cats are mostly dormant but they give the motel rooms a real going-over with smelling everything and checking for the bogey man under the bed. Too scary for me.

Today was mostly a day-in-motion. We sing along with oldies, play licence plate games, talk about everybody, and look forward to arriving in Punta sam by the weekend.

Funniest thing today? A really tough-looking couple get off their Harley at a truck stop. Covered with black leather, tatoos and attitude. The chick goes for a coffee at the Waffle House. The guy sits down on a curb, scowls at me, takes out a laptop and checks his stock portfolio!

Now for some chicken tacos...

Monday, December 29, 2008

Over the Line in Alabama

What a difference a day and a half makes!
We left Kemble yesterday morning in disappearing snow drifts. Then record warmth, high winds, and sun combined --- it seemed like 4 months of weather passed in a day. An hour at the Bluewater Bridge yesterday ---- 59min.10sec. creeping over, then 50 seconds at the Q&A! No Q about the cats, food, etc. Then a great evening with everyone at the Cooksons. Got to play with the Wii and Rock Band. Got to see the Detroit Lions make history by going 0-16. Got to sleep on air mattress by 9:30. Got up by 4, Pat misplaced keys for 30 minutes, got olling by 6am. Thanks to Jan (pie), Tom (modelling CBC Tshirts), and Matt (Wii bowling lessons).

Took an hour to get out of Detroit on southbound I75 --- downtown detours and the dark. But after that clear sailing literally as the sky was completely clear and the gas price at $1.39-$1.49 over 5 states. That's about 44 cents a litre, compared to 69 in Owen Sound and 72 in Mexico soon. Lots of RV's going south, seemed like most of them were from Ontario. Cincinatti, Louisville,Nashville, and stopped at 6 pm at Athens Alabama at the Bomar Inn. Nice guy, like Bapu on the Simpsons. 665 miles today, in 12 hours counting circles in Detroit . 2004 Venture van rolling smoothly and sipping gas slowly like fine Kentucky Sippin Whiskey (I guess).

Oh -- cats were in cages all day. Brandy not happy, Crystal oblivious. But they're both happy to stretch their legs and sniff everything in this room. US$32.50 for Bapu's big room, micro/fridge/50 channels but all we want is a shower and crash. Had Pat's special RoadSandwiches and Bumpy Cake/ apple pie. But great salad in the room, with tea and goodies later.

Anyway, all is well at end of Day 1. No more snow til November (?!). Thanks angels!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

D-Day! (as in Departure...)

This blogging is hard work! Hard to believe its been 17 days since my last post but it has been hectic, challenging, and always-on-my-mind to get everything ready for our departure in 3 hours. (It's a dark and windy 4:54 am as I write this.)

Pat left her sterling career at Seneca College as planned on Thursday Dec. 18 2008. She had had to go in after hours and on weekends to clear out her office because there were so many well-wishers, and some who just wanted her office! She was supposed to have a final tribute lunch on the 19th but that was the first of a wave of 3 snowstorms to hit southern Ontario, and the lunch was cancelled but she had to drive to Kemble in whiteouts and ice, the usual 3 hour trip took 5 but she arrived safely for the first day in the rest of her life.

Since then we have had more storms, 3 feet of beautiful clean white snow, the winter solstice/shortest day, Christmas (unusually un-festive ---- no tree, no travel, no presents), and just plain more planning/packing/loading/checking.

I had not anticipated the early winter and cold, so there was not enough dry firewood for the days here. I had to carry in 5 wet chunks of hardwood per trip to the woodpile. Then I had to pile it inside, hoping to dry it somewhat. Not much good as the wood steamed more than burned. At least we had good glowing embers. The fire has been on for 14 days now, and will go out today until our return in April.

Had to put away Pat's Tracker softop for the winter, like I put away the 1964 1/2 Mustang, in the barn. But it had to be washed and dry --- in the sub-zero weather. Up on wood, gas stabilizer, gas antifreeze, remove battery (and carry up the hill through snowpiles), mothballs to discourage mice, oil and filter change. Oh, and suspend the insurance coverage.

(I just lost 500 words when I lost my internet connection....damn. This will be a short version of what was lost --- not much time left.)

Loads up and down the hill. Loading the van and the cartop carrier. Using up the food in the fridge, winding up with pickles & bacon, or clementines & lasagna! Cleaning up the place so it is ready for spring when we return in April. Turn off hot water and have last shower. Etc. Etc.
Record warm spell and pouring rain. Checking weather enroute online --- looks like we can slip through the approaching bad weather and get far enough south (Nashville?) before the roads are bad again.
The logistics and thinking ahead and doing all the necessary details is boggling. Banking, identity security, computer backup files, etc etc, even new wills. But if we can't do it, who can?
Pat has been thorough and relentless. I have been thorough and maybe too casual. But somehow it works. This is more complicated than any of our long backpacking trips, because we have moved households and its winter and so on. The cats are the wild card, but they have been in the van up to 8 hours in the past, so this is just a stretch for all of us. We even have a "calming" liquid called Rescue Remedy that is put on their paws. when they lick it off, it is a mild tranquilizer. Supposedly good for humans too --- anyone want a lick?
Today we drive 6 hours or so, across the US border which can be difficult, especially with cats and a story about driving to Mexico with a vanload of wordly possessions. Then a night at the Cooksons where I'll get to see family memebers that I missed at Christmas 3 days ago.

I've probably forgotten some fun details because it's almost 6am and I have to wake Pat and get the day going. But I hope to post updates on our adventure as often as we find a wifi spot enroute. Our angels have taken us this far, and they will take us to Playa Azul and back. Pat and I send our best wishes to all of you.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Some Background

Pat and I have talked about leaving Toronto altogether, and leaving Canada for winters, for some time. We have come to enjoy our place at Kemble Ontario ("The View") so much that it seems silly to have 2 homes with 2 sets of furnishings, and commute between them. So a plan took shape to have us change everything in one swoop.

After an award-winning (literally!) year, Pat wrote a resignation letter and her last day at Seneca College is officially Dec. 31 but really Dec. 19. Many students, staff, and colleagues were shocked and saddened that she would leave at the peak of her career and talents. Many tributes, lunches, and heartfelt messages have been pouring in.

In the meantime, I put my apartment of 21 years (Pat's for 13) up for rent and was lucky to get a young couple who seem to suit the neighbourhood and the house. Mark and Niamh Connolly move in on Dec. 14. I move up to Kemble.

We have been moving our stuff away from Toronto since September. It seemed early at the time, but we have needed all the weeks and all the trips in our Chevy van. And the place has been upgraded with new paint, wood varnish, carpet, dishwasher, baseboard heat, lighting, trim, etc etc. It looks better than ever.

But a week after we settle in to Kemble, we will be leaving Canada to drive to Punta Sam Mexico for the winter. I have been going to that area since 1979 and even though it has been under seige by change it is still mostly Mexican, with few English speakers and no TV or phone in our little rented apartment. Right on the beach across the channel from my beloved Isla Mujeres.

It will be about 6 or 7 days to drive there, but the complication is we're taking our two 14-year old cats. They have had shots, exams, Spanish lessons, and practice being in the van for up to 7 hours so far. We think they will do fine.

The last month has been hectic and frustrating with so many address changes, insurance arrangements, bill payments, service disconnections, etc etc. I have lost as much weight doing all this as I do in a month of physical labour at Kemble.

So soon we are off on our excellent adventure, hoping we have covered all eventualities and praying to our angels for a safe drive and another great trip.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

First of Many

I've been wanting to write a blog for years but now I finally have the motivation. Pat and I are in the midst of our biggest changes and adventures ever. So I'll try to post as often as possible to write the history of what happens. In the meantime, thanks for finding and reading this. More soon...