Sunday, August 30, 2020


 It's the last weekend of August and locally the Salmon Derby would be in full swing but not this year. What favourite events of yours were cancelled this year? Fortunately, we still get a daily dazzling light show as the sun rises. As a bonus, once in a while the point gets lit up at sun set, too.

In the yard, the waterfall is ready for its close-up after many versions. Bearded floaters get trimmed and thinned. Miss Pruner is ruthless in cutting bushes back but she knows what she's doing. Mr. Mower was lucky that when he hit a stump only the blade got bent, not the crank$haft. 

A topdown daytrip to picturesque Tobermory. Fewer pleasure craft are tied up in the harbour, due to you-know-what. But scenic cruises, kayak convoys, and the "Big Canoe" (Chi Cheemaun) show signs of life returning.

The Gardener is enamored of the symbolism of sweetgrass. Clumps are split up and planted in favoured spots in our yard and life.

Cooler weather has brought seasonal creature behaviour. A few monarchs are still passing through. Mice get evicted from the house but this one was inexplicably comatose in the greenhouse. Can you count 9 squirrels in the seeds? Some of them snack on the last hollyhock pods. Maybe I should try them too??

The annual peach pie bake up!! Ontario peaches, mother's recipes, Sweetie's talents, and my treat. A Life of Pie!

f you're looking for some relief from the anxiety of pandemic or the anguish of injustice these days, I can offer this week's rainbow. Is there a pot of gold somewhere out there??

Sunday, August 23, 2020


 It's late August and the nights are comfy but the days can still be muggy and hot (today might be high 30's C). It's also the time when sunrises are even more spectacular than usual due to cloud formations or particles in the air. Every morning is quiet awe.

Oh --- and we had record rainfall one day. Flooding like an early spring snow thaw. But somethings like the wet ---- red tomatoes, pink lilies. 

A daytrip to the 'hood in Toronto, partly from cabin fever and partly from wanting to tidy up the place. Out front the greenery has really enjoyed the rainy days, some plants are 5 feet high. The Gardener and her assistant thinned, weeded, swept, and bagged a whole catalogue of urban plant life. Inside there was a pleasant surprise --- the common areas like laundry room and staircases had already been cleaned up, at a co$t, not by the tenants :(  Then the ritual Chinese combo plate #6 at local diner The Goof. Followed by a walk on the boards --- the Beach at its best. 

The pond is getting a lot of maintenance these days. The Gardener is sprucing up the water feature for visitors later this week (the lawn mower is running at the moment too!). And Mr. Waterfall is up to his knees in it, version 8.0. Needs a bit of nip and tuck but it might work this time!

Fall is in the air but many of the locals are staying. Chipmunks dig stash holes for sunflower seeds. The fox emerges from a flooded hideaway --- does he look any healthier? A stick bug makes a once-a-year appearance --- where does it winter? And the water snake cruises like it owns the place. Which it does; all the frogs and salamanders have been scared away or eaten.

Other creatures know that the sun is going south and they will too. Geese start off in ragged clumps but quickly line up in aerodynamic form for the long haul. Sunflowers stretch up and nod in the direction of their namesake. And Sol itself glides southward, like a surfer on the far horizon. Will any wild Canadian Snowbirds go south this winter?

Sunday, August 16, 2020


 Another week of wild weather. This week has seen awesome sunrises, record-breaking heat, ominous skies, and at this very moment drenching monsoon rains forecast to pour all day. Lightning and thunder too. Take your pick...

Out in the yard, Fall is in preview. Apple trees groan with a bushel-full. Migrants like the towhee are heading south. Squirrels build unwelcome nests one mouthful at a time in the loft. Bees lap up sugar water. And turkeys have reappeared, pecking at whatever. 

In the kitchen there's a pandemic of yummies. Pasta Pat-a-Doozey. Thick slabs of tomato fresh from the garden. And moist/spicy/nutty zucchini loaf for the loafer over on the couch.

But there is some work going on. The current major project is rebuild number 8 or 9 of the waterfall. Set rocks. Fill and fuss. Bail. Repeat.

Even good-lookin' things get bling. Can you spot-the-difference on the Mustang?

A thrilling return of foxes lately. This one was young and had a limp in the front right leg. But so beautiful, so intense in the eyes. F is for fabulous.