Sunday, December 22, 2019


No ice on the harbour yet so the service boats are still on delivery or on patrol or on charter. When the white flakes finally start, it's like we're living in one of those snow globes on whiteout mode...

Last night winter officially arrived. The 30th annual Solstice Parade in Kensington Market is a fun way to beat back the dark by bringing light in many forms to the street. A mild Saturday night brought out record crowds. The remarkable thing is that everybody's in the procession ---- spectators are shoulder-to-shoulder with the bands and lighter-uppers. Everybody's in everybody else's selfies! And very creative hand-made big-birds, head-lights, and sparklies...

Just a gentle jam-packed celebratory mood as the mobs shuffled down narrow Augusta Street, with noise and light to chase away the dark. Seemed like Carnival and Mardi Gras and Times Square all at once. 300-watt octopus and candlelit lanterns...

I'm also feeling the need for more light amid a lot of darkness. After over 11 years and over 900 posts on this blog it's time to step away. This post was originally a long rant about two very dark situations but here's a short version. In my very sober opinion both the United States' nation and the climate catastrophe have passed a point of no return. Perplexing and heart-breaking, because I care deeply and personally about both.

Much gratitude to all the viewers out there, surprisingly in over 50 countries. Thanks for your comments, especially from longtime followers Pat M. and Christie C.

Be prepared for a really Roaring '20's and beyond....

Never say never, and Rick will still be On The Road, but for now this is the last post on this blog...

Sunday, December 15, 2019


Maybe the most uneventful week in a long time...

The harbour is still ice-free so lots of commercial watercraft on the lake. But what are they carrying? Only the barge with three cement trucks is identifiable ---  and where are they going?

The downtown Christmas windows are up but the weather was brutally cold on a viewing day. Lots of whimsy but not much traditional --- robot candy cane factory, AI gift lists, etc. At least some snow angels!?

We're trying to avoid cabin fever in many senses of the phrase. But clouds are gathering on many horizons. Halfway through our city-stay, we're anticipating a lot of change...

Sunday, December 8, 2019


We're in the harbour area of Canada's biggest city, sort of a Condo Canyon. Life can be speedy here --- where else can you get free random short stories printed out of a dispenser? Step right up --- 1, 3, or 5-minute tales (we got a 5 min. kid's story about how Santa got the better of a bad guy...). But the sunrises are a lot like those at home. Instead of Owen Sound, we see Niagara Falls.

So, can't resist a quick trip to the real View. Winter's snow blanket is in place. The service berries provide colour and bird sustenance. The pond is frozen, but on thin ice...

The ice is safer back in the city. 100's of skaters go round-and-round below us (but why only counter-clockwise?). Free lessons for kids. In front of Toronto's train station, a temporary but impressive rink has been set up --- free lessons for new Canadians, free skate for all. And at city hall, more Canadiana in front of the famous sign.

There's still open water on the harbour. Surprising how much activity: freighters, island shuttle, excavators on barges, fireboats, and even a chartered yacht going out nightly (wedding? office? Christmas party?).

Great walking trails along the shore. The Zamboni can be seen from up here or down there. Ditto for the hulking tug boat. (Can you see our condo --- 3 floors from the top in the curvy building...)

Lots of effort by the city to rehabilitate the shore, like this reclamation of wetlands (used to be a parking lot). Dozens of fish and bird species at our doorstep. Pike spawn here in the spring! It's enough to make you feel huggy all over.

Sunday, December 1, 2019


Pay attention --- another of those a-lot-happened-this week...

Leaving Isla, there was a major glitch in our flight booking. A very determined Interjet agent saved us from a very bad delay (would have been 25 hours in the Mexico City airport). Eventually the outcome was better than the original, and our spirit butterfly appeared on the departure window to remind us of Travel Angels...

Still clear roads so a quick trip up to Kemble to check out the house and retrieve mail and supplies. Ice forming on the pond means some fish aren't going to survive the winter. A carpet of fallen fruit means some deer will!

At last, and hallelujah. After years of arborists, permit applications, getting the tree removed, $$$, and then waiting waiting waiting months for completion. The pavers showed up. But BAM --- another glitch as the neighbour wouldn't go ahead because her side became a dropoff safety hazard. She had months to notice and object but left it to the last moment. !@#%&*? and !@#??*&^%$

Some cash trades hands next door and a compromise is reached. The crew is experienced and is motivated because the neighbour speaks their Italian and serves espresso with almonds! Whatever works...

It all comes together with men, machinery, and steaming asphalt...They even supplied the tape to keep cars off for 4 days.

I had to visit each day to make sure. Rain one day proved that the slope was correct, the water is now flowing away from the house. On Day 4 the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony! It's till hard to believe, but this grind is over...

So we're now on the 35th floor of a condo on Toronto's waterfront. Love the height and the sight! Lots of city buzz. We're actually higher than landing aircraft, and above the weekly fireworks.

Skaters down there look like stick figures gliding on white satin. No ice on the harbour yet, so boats glide by too. Look straight south ---- 42 miles away the skyline of Niagara Falls, with viewing tower and the mists of the falls! Talk about being high on something...