Sunday, November 26, 2017


This is the first post with pictures from the latest in my long line of point-and-shoot cameras. Can you see any difference? How about: no dark spots in the middle?!

In these short days the sun rises reluctantly but red, further south. But indoors there's a new pattern of behaviour. Pat found original sewing patterns from 1967 (Note: 65 cents, 75 in Canada!) online from Iowa! She's excited about putting together a drop-waist sundress in case we're somewhere sunny this winter...:)

Down the hill the red paint marks the underground electricity line so the trencher won't do any damage. But above ground, the damage has already been done to the new asphalt driveway ---- the propane truck's wheels crunched the edges. Any bets their insurance will repair it?

Cold and warm are riding a weather roller coaster. Leaves still fall from trees but they land in snow. One day a cardinal's in a bare apple tree, the next day the tree is snow-frosted. The truck is marooned at the top of the hill until the concrete bares all. And wonder-of-wonders, a robin sits perplexed in a tree! Does this mean a really early spring?!?!

But the historic news this week was the closing after 55 years of Vincent Jewellers, a town landmark owned by Pat's BIL and sister. Remember those pictures of a lineup in September when the Closing Sale started at 20% off? This week the discounts continued through 50%, 70%, and finally 90%. What happened was predictable but still frenzied and flat-out.

As the days ticked down, the crowds kept coming. Everything was sold, including the display cases. One guy snapped up a rotating halogen-lit vertical showpiece to put his model cars in! But it was all hands on deck as the last watch, the last gold chain, the last figurine was taken away. Fascinating to watch the who/what/when of bargain seekers --- more Bright Friday than Black Friday!

The doors closed forever yesterday (early because there was nothing left to sell!). Well-deserved congratulations to C&W. What's in store for them now? Nothing, but anything...

Sunday, November 19, 2017


The change of season is more and more blatant up here. More clouds appear than sun at dawn ---- this cloudrise resembles a scene in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" where the UFO searches for intelligent life on Earth (insert punchline here...). On the shed roof, that old saying proves true ---- moss only grows on the north side. Ice is trying to gain a hold on the pond but don't lace up your skates  just yet. Down at the barn The Digger is clearing the edges for some defensive ditching...

We had a bittersweet daytrip to our Beach 'hood in Toronto. Always warm and fuzzy to stroll the Boardwalk and have a Combo #6 at The Goof. But sad this time because we dropped in on a celebration of the life of the neighbour right across the street. Jim was a lifeguard, motorcycle racer, wisecracker, and devoted husband and father. I was surprised but honoured to find my picture among the hundreds of people who admired and respected him. Great guy, fun neighbour.

Driving home in the dark, we had missed the local Santa Parade but it had been pouring rain all day anyway. Do the reindeer wear reincoats?? But we had a chance to see the festive lights starting to appear. The harbour is lit to honour the town's maritime history. And next door the decorations get bigger/brighter/tech-ier every year. Hey Darryl ---- is that a rotating light beam or do you have red/blue/green fireflies dancing on your roof??

After 5 years  and thousands of snaps, this is the last blog posting using pictures from the Panasonic point-and-shoot camera. There's a new canon to fire on this season's travels. Ready, aim, focus!!

Sunday, November 12, 2017


Winter Outdoors...

The week started off with mild autumn days, pleasant enough to kiss your grass or prune your limbs. Then a cold wave came through that really steamed the bay! Easy to find gold on that thar hill. And the first icicles, glomming on to the barberry!

Winter Indoors...

The Master Gardener winters as Master Cook, with first-time yummy/healthy  falafel balls and quinoa-banana cookies. Meanwhile, the Driver is still getting the black off those wheels---- paint stripper and pressure spray will do the trick? After a Sunday breakfast: a portrait of the Gourmet, the Historian, and the Fashionista.


It was very odd that the butternut tree had no butternuts on the ground this season. Surprise! Squirrel(s) has made hundreds of trips, one nut at a time, to stash them in the shed loft. Every basket, jar, and flower box was full. Gross to remove them because the warm September weather has turned them moldy and inedible, even for rodents. So they're piled up nearby, with shredded-paper nests, if anybody is relocating...

Small Birds, Big Birds...

Awesome to see the nests that have been strenuously put together in box or ledge. The tower of twigs was the work of tiny wrens. The mud/twig/egg house was tiny phoebes. On the other extreme, flocks of 20 or more bigger birds are back, mooching at the feeder...

Remembrance Day, and Dad

Yesterday across Canada the nation paused to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice, back when war was truly hell. The local ceremony was heartfelt and solemn. My dad, Private Walter Wyszynski, got as far as the west coast, ready to be shipped to war in the Pacific. The conflict ended and I am eternally grateful. Thanks, Dad, we will remember you.

Giant Salt Shaker

Dawn brought a heavily-laden cargo ship in its glare. It's the first of many freighters bringing road salt for the expected brutal weather ahead. The piles are waiting --- need salt for dinner?