Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Last night was a "Super Moon", the closest to Earth since 1948 and last til 2034. Beautiful to see through the leaf-less trees at home. Seemed like a super time to get to the airport and de-ice the wings from the moon-frost. Then up up and away to a Super Sun that created this ultra-red illusion out the window. We're off to Cuba again, but the best price and flight times involve a stopover in Mexico.

Classic Mexican hotel Parador right across the street from the airport bus for tomorrow morning, C$28 with pool and staff muy gentille. Local transit means jumping the many 50 cent shared collectivos. High energy vibe on the street as everyone has their own life to lead. Notice the Subway Canadiense?!?

Lots of cool cars in the park but they are truly minis! And how can you resist deep-fried douigh churros? But more seriously, November is Mo-vember around the world to raise awareness of prostate cancer. An excuse not to shave for a month --- I'm in!

Prime Minister Trudeau will be in Havana tomorrow and so will we. But then we'll be hiking in the outer fringes so internet may be spotty or non-exisitent. Not sure of where/when the next post will be....

Sunday, November 13, 2016


Very short post this time because truly it was an uneventful week for us, although a staggering event for the world...You can't just make this stuff up, you know?...

It's that season when outdoor things have to be put away or tended to. This fall there are more leaves than ever and more vivid colours. All the rough rugs and towels got a last chance to dry in the sun.

The more delicate or rabbit-endangered shrubs get latticed or burlapped. The pond gets a daily skimming until all the leaves are gone. Certain trees get a brushcut, others just get a trim! Down in the barn the convertibles beg to go out one more time but the batteries have to come out one more time.

A friend of Polish background came over to play some well-known Polish folk music and translate some glassware that I remember from my grandmother's humble little kitchen. What huge circles life brings...

About the U.S. election results. I have been predicting this outcome since January because I have seen it all happen in Canada. We had a shameless, lying, slimy, self-serving, climate change denying, divisive Prime Minister for 8 years who embarrassed and diminished our country internationally. And in Toronto we had an ignorant, drug using, narrow-minded narcissistic buffoon as mayor for 3 embarrassing years. The United States now has a combination of all that but much worse. That country can now expect years of angry division, embarrassment, shame, disbelief, and sellout to monied interests. The rest of the world will suffer in accelerating climate destruction and copycat demagogues --- one has already surfaced in Canadian politics. 

Gratefully, we leave tomorrow for places where news is restricted and the internet is iffy. But as the optimists say, the sun will still rise in the morning. Good luck to us all...

Sunday, November 6, 2016


The clocks fell back an hour overnight, a reminder of the seasonal change. Lots of other reminders up here as the low angle of the sun paints everything Morning Bright. Leaves have fallen in the sequence of ash, maple then oak --- but why do the fruit trees (apple, pear, hawberry) hold onto their leaves so much longer? The last colour bursts are from Japanese maple and fall mums. Nearby, the nostalgic views of beavers also prepping for winter...

Still no letup in the local critter count. The turkey hunting season is on but nothing seems to bother this flock. Ducks seem to enjoy the cold water and windy days. More bird strikes than usual on the house but most of them recover --- do they remember being dazed? Goldfish get repositioned from small pond to wintering pond, like tourists snowbirding from lake to ocean.

Lots of yardwork going on but there's always car work too, right? The seats on the Z3 have to come out to replace the seatbelt guides. Careful --- if you disconnect the wrong wire the airbag will blow!! Afterwards the carpeted floor gets cleaned up. Like in the cartoons, two dimes (U.S. coins--- from the original owners in California?) and a bobby pin were underneath. Down the hill, spreading gravel by the asphalt is child's play.

But these are momentous times.This past week included Hallowe'en, Day of the Dead and Diwali. The upcoming week brings Remembrance Day and the election in the U.S. The rest of the world is holding it's breath and shaking it's head. My prediction of who will win has been the same since January but I hope I'm wrong. In the meantime I'm heartwarmed to have remembered my Dad's birthday on Nov. 1. My very privileged life happened because of his perilous journey into the unknown of Canada. My eternal thanks and love to him...