Sunday, August 28, 2016


Things went by so fast this week that some seem fuzzy in memory and some are definitely fishy. It's that time of year when the sunrises are spectacular and in vivid focus. But the Closing Ceremony of the Rio Olympics came and went with only out-of-focus photos as mementos of Canada's better-than-expected results.

Then a quick three days in Toronto to focus on re-energizing with some urban buzz. Movie and TV shoots are all over town. The iconic ferry to the Islands is a relief from the heat. Quiet strolls and silent canoes, all car-free and within sight of the skyline. And in the meantime the Canadian Olympic medalists returned to adoring crowds.

Over to our Beach place to tidy up, and arrange painting both inside and out. We won't be there when it happens, so a Before Picture to replace the fuzzy memory of what was. Walking in the park is a reminder of the majority group --- dogs and babies!

When Cirque du Soleil is in town it's a must-see. The new show is a jaw-dropping eye-popping best yet. Amazing colours and creativity combined with impossible physical feats. Luzia is a tribute to Mexican culture and folklore --- including our besties the monarch butterflies. Acrobats, contortionists, comedy, and optical illusions. Sold out and full of international visitors sharing the universal language of wonder. But so fast and often in dim light that the pictures are --- fuzzy. Sorry.

Back home the annual Salmon Spectacular fishing derby is on. A huge event of fishing and family fun with hundreds of sponsors, thousands in prizes, and a tonne of fish. These first-day leaders were quickly overtaken by bigger salmon/trout later that same day! Pat caught her salmon at a secret spot just down the road.

As for me, I'm fishing for Barracuda. A nice size red one...

Sunday, August 21, 2016


Must be those hazy crazy daze of summer because laziness has been rampant and contagious! Not much work done this week but maybe it was the stifling heat and mugginess at first, then windswept monsoon rains. The bay had ocean-class whitecaps but the ground loved the soaking. Eventually the clouds parted and now we're back to glowing sunrises.

Being indoors meant watching some Olympics --- did CBC arrange the bad weather so they could get their record ratings?! The Canadian team exceeded expectations, especially in the pool and sprints. Remember the name Penny Oleksiak, a 16 year-old phenom from our Toronto neighbourhood. From obscurity to 3 swimming medals; will her parents let her stay out to celebrate? On the track, Usain Bolt completed a (never-to-be-repeated?) triple-triple of speed. But as he retires, here comes the next triple threat --- 21 year-old Canadian Andre De Grasse. Not a showman like Bolt, but with 3 medals in his first Olympics and determined to be just as good. Oh Canada!

And then another TV event shared by millions of Canadians around the world. The final concert of the final tour of our iconic band The Tragically Hip. Lead singer Gord Downie diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer but seeming in full-strength as Canada's poet-conscience. Joy and tears --- was Gord crying for himself or for the rage, in his lyrics, against "what's going on?" Mind-boggling farewell.

For the rest of us life goes on, like buried treasure waiting to be found. Some things have their best year ever, like this hawthorne tree bulging with berries. And sometimes the rainbow is faint, but your pot of gold is waiting out there like an Olympic medal...

Sunday, August 14, 2016

YOUR #2! YOUR #2!

Despite the record heat and then some much-needed rain, it's that time of year when it feels like summer is fading. The sun is rising a little later and staining the deck Olympic Gold. Some leaves are going for gold too, but is that early autumn or dehydration? It's thyme for a soaking. Pat kissed a frog for luck but no new prince showed up!

After years of curiosity, Pat tried that make-your-own-wine thing. Sister D and the Winexpert walked her through bottle washing, fast-fill and capping. What do you think of the name on the label? Then the Designated Driver tried to put round bottles in square boxes. A good time will be had by the twisted sisters ---- how about a nice bold August 2016 Voignier?

Lots of motivation to spruce up the place for a special visitor. Windows got cleaned, the shed got stained, the poison ivy got sprayed. The veggie garden cooperated by being ready with all the greens and reds. The septic tank got pumped out; the guy looked in and couldn't help chanting "Your #2! Your #2"!

Shared fun and family stories with our visitor. We met at a car show nearby and the (rain-threatened) turnout was so poor there's not one picture of an old car this week! But the two Pats roamed local gardens, admired artists. and cooked up a storm. While the Voignier was aging a full 48 hours there was a chance to sample 200 varieties of olive oil. Ulp. The Rio Olympic rowing is continuing but here's the gold in Women's CanAm Doubles.

Sunday, August 7, 2016


The dog days of summer continue with harsh temperatures and humidity. Sometimes the sky plays tricks, looking like a downpour is about to happen but then the clouds move on with a dry smirk. The Olympics have lost their lustre with all the doping and corruption but we did watch the 4-hour Opening Ceremonies, with survival snacks nearby.

There's always maintenance and cleaning. First a table goes on the floor, then a ladder goes on the table, then Pat goes on the ladder --- how else do you reach the fan?? Meanwhile, the Other Guy is lying down on the job, getting ready for the asphalt paving that is delayed once more.

Up the hill, the original line of cedars planted as a snowbreak finally got pruned up. For years the low dead branches had been getting in the way of woodpiles and scratching faces. Only the hummingbirds are complaining --- their closest perch to the feeder is now much higher!

The heat brought huge crowds (including us and the Dakota) to Sauble Beach for the annual Sandfest and Car Show. Some of the paint was as deep as a sunburn. My fave was this very cool purple Studebaker Hawk. Pat is preferring old trucks these days, like this Pretty Chevy that obviously hasn't done any truck work in decades.

A lot of strange behaviour among the local creatures lately, maybe its the Animal Olympics? The rabbits are sprinting like Usain Bolt. Huge flocks of blackbirds might be the spectators? Is this squirrel carbo-loading at the Athlete's Village?

Is this salamander sunburnt from beach volleyball?

Maybe this robin, now on brood number 2 or 3, is hunkered down like a goalie in soccer?

Are the participants jet-lagged and off-their-clock like this bat that landed on the rockpile in broad daylight?

This snake seemed to be practicing for Sport Climbing, to be added at the next Olympics...

And no doubt about this frog, ready for the longggggg jump from the top of a chair!