Sunday, August 25, 2013


Still finding evidence of tenant neglect, like this wasp nest left in a window sill. But the week started with a bang (from a nail gun) and ended with a roar (from us, in the theatre). A big step in our ongoing renovation was the completion of the new hardwood floor, done in record time for Toronto: 7 days from estimate to our cleanup. The change from 1928 original to 2013 replacement is dramatic and in Pat's word --- gorgeous.

So yesterday was back to enjoying summer in the city. Our first ride on the sleek new subway cars took us to a musical triple play. First the biggest Buskerfest in North America --- Yonge Street closed off for a mile for the expected million people to laugh and marvel at hundreds of street  performers from dozens of countries. Chalk Chick, The Flying Dutchmen, The Fire Guy are all self-explanatory.  Best In Show for us was "Natural Wings" based in Australia. Three athletic, aerobatic, theatrical young women delighting the crowds with a mid-air ballet of contortions and creativity. A real wow on the asphalt. Then a few blocks over to the Canada-Cuba Friendship Salsa Fest, with toe-tapping hip-swirling Latin rhythms, where both the sun and the music were Hot-Hot-Hot. Rico! 

 Best In The Day, though, was the live concert-theatrical event "Once Upon a Dream". Eye-popping, jaw-dropping ever-changing backdrop visuals framed the band onstage --- the original Rascals, one of the most influential groups in rock 'n roll history, spanning early r 'n b to the psychedelic era. Then they disbanded for 40 years, only to be brought back to sell out Broadway (and Toronto) with their music and incredible history. The music is a warm bath of good feelings (remember "Good Lovin" or "It's A Beautiful Morning"?). Their history is an amazing tale of the times --- joy of freedom, turbulence of war, emergence of hope. We need that last one more than ever, and the audience roared for it.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Another hectic week and thoughts of lazing through August have disappeared like the morning mist on the bay. A special occasion was the In on the Park to welcome recently wedded nephew Todd and Jayd, now living in Manhattan. (Can you say "house swap" boys and girls??). The three sisters, like the rest of us, captured by Jayd's charm and photog profession.

Meanwhile back at the garden the temp hits 47C with no rain for days. The tomatoes like it, but the pond has been cloudy all season. I've de-mucked the bottom and Pat has applied "ClearFast" to the top, but still murky. Other years the pond water is clear to the bottom. Go figure. Whose arm is that wracked with poison ivy?

A quick trip to Toronto to clear the apartment for floor refinishing. A couple of days, right? Wrong. The 85-yeard old floor is now too thin to be resanded and must be replaced. All the furnishings have to stay out on the balcony for at least another two weeks while wood is chosen and appointments made. Frustrating ---- you visitors out there will have to postpone!

The week is ending with Owen Sound at its best. The huge music fest SummerFolk is pickin' and a-grinnin' in the sun. And the Tall Ships are in port, part of a Great Lakes parade to commemorate the War of 1812. One heaved-to off our deck, and the others were swarmed by landlubbers. Beautiful sight --- but in the last picture, are they boats or are they ships??

Sunday, August 11, 2013

21 ----- NICE, EH?

My apologies in advance because some of this week's pictures seem out-of-focus. Maybe the camera wants a summer break? Or maybe it was celebrating a little too much, like the people in this group shot. Robert (white T-shirt) the neighbour across the street in Toronto had his 21st birthday party; what did you do on your 21st??

Meanwhile, no other crowd event to mention this week. We got the apartment ready for repairs, paint, and floor refinishing. Another round of picking paint colours, counter top, lights and faucets. I thought we were through with that! Then back at Kemble. finishing up the deck extension and thinning the gardens that are really lush this year.

Oh, we did take a topless ride over to the  crowd event at Sauble Beach --- the annual Sandfest of sand sculpture, kids rock walls, and hundreds of classic cars on the shore ---- Nice, Eh?

Sunday, August 4, 2013


The week included 3 days in country/Kemble to pick peas and finish some deck but events in the city blew that away with action and colour. The Beach was a blur of last-day Jazz Fest music, huge kites overhead, and a bigtime beach volleyball tournament. A good time was had by all. But the holiday weekend blasted out with a million people for the 45th annual Caribbean Carnival, the biggest in North America. And a million feathers. a billion sequins.

Just wiggle through the security wall and you're on the street, IN the parade (can you spot Pat?)!  Hours and hours, miles and miles of proud and happy Torontonians who happen to have ancestry and rhythm from 40 Caribbean countries. Your lungs are compressed by the booming soca/reggae/jump-up and your teeth hurt from smiling with the revelers. These pictures give some flavour but you really gotta be there ---  the colours and delirium wrap you like a multicultural feathered boa. Only a fraction of the raunch is shown here.And the pix are representative of the crowds: 90% girls/women of all sizes, 5% musicians/DJ's, 3% kids in costume, and maybe 2% guys. The ladies really let loose!

Back home in the Beach with our ears still ringing and my camera smoking, a total contrast on the sidewalk --- how about a nice quiet book?!