Sunday, April 29, 2012


Three days ago we drove through hail and snow. Two days ago it was back to spring, with garden tilling and rehabbing the birds that ricochet off our windows. Then yesterday we left at 6 a.m. for a 3-hour drive to Brantford. There was a Motorcycle Swap Meet and I'm trying to sell an old Honda and engines. Lots of guys with stories but no sale :(. Inside is  a Heritage Military Museum ---- are you ready to celebrate 200 years since the Can-Am War of 1812?? Oh, and in a corner is the Heritage Motorcycle Museum that needs more space or more bikes!!

A more uplifting spot in Brantford is the local TransCanada Trail Pavilion. Did you know my dad coming from the old country first settled on a farm near Brantford?? That's why I proudly listed his name here, in his eternal honour. Then the drive home through stomach-churning urban sprawl around Cambridge. But a nice surprise to find a shop in Durham that sells pond fish --- we've been looking for weeks. Hope the newbies get along with the oldie goldies!

Then like whipped cream on dark blue sherbet, the local ferry Chi-Cheemaun sailed by for the first time to signal that spring has really sprung. Or will we be writing today's first sentence again??